Publication Policy:
Mode of Publication
This is an online journal. So all accepted manuscripts are published online.
Frequency of Publication
The journal is published half-yearly.
Peer Review Policy
All manuscripts are routed through subject experts or independent researchers in the relevant research area for quality check viz. originality, validity and significance before publishing the manuscripts in the journal. Upon completion of the review process, the author of the manuscript will receive an evaluation result as follows:
- Accepted
- Accepted with minor revision
- Accepted with major revision
- Rejected or declined
The journal strives to pass on reviewers’ comments to authors within one week. The editorial board will re-review the manuscripts received after necessary revisions where applicable, based on the reviewers’ comments before acceptance. Papers will be published within 1-2 months or in the upcoming issues after acceptance.
Author(s) must have to submit an only original manuscript that is not plagiarized. Author (s) must also have to ensure that the submitted manuscript has not been published or is being considered elsewhere. Besides, any work, data or quotes taken from other sources/ publications must be appropriately cited/ quoted. This is the full responsibility of the author (s) to obtain the necessary permission from the owner (s) while including figures, tables or text passages that have already been published in-copyright material. Author (s) must have to illustrate their own work and state the findings clearly and honestly without any fabrication, falsification or inappropriate manipulation of data.
An undertaking to this effect in the prescribed format (Common Declaration) has to be given by the author (s) including co-authors while submission of manuscript to this journal.
Open Access Journal
The published papers, articles, contents of this journal is accessible online free of cost
Copyright Policy
All papers, articles, contents published by this Journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 International License. Additional terms may apply.