Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN: 2583-0740
Published by: Lakhimpur Girls' College
KANCHIOLI (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences)
This is a Peer-Reviewed Online Journal of Lakhimpur Girls' College and the first of its kind for reporting quality research and scholarly articles for scholars as well as academicians from various fields and at the same time, this will be a platform for the scholars and social scientists alike for dissemination and exchange of new ideas and opinions on varieties of issues concerning humanity, society, economy, politics and history as well. The journal is directed to achieve these aims.
Being a Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, KANCHIOLI pays particular attention to Philosophy, History, Geography, Political Science, Human Rights, Public Administration, Rural Development, Economics, Management, Home Science, Education, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, Cultural Studies, Linguistic (English), Gender Studies, Environment and Developmental issues, Law as well as ethical questions being rational followed by standard suited methodology probing the fact and resulting scientific and empirical judgement.
The journal will provide a forum for the study of humanities and social sciences in the regional, national and global context with the goal of fostering scientific and empirical perception within the domain. It welcomes articles with rigorous reasoning supported by authentic documents. Papers, articles based on empirical research will be given priority in publication. The journal will also provide ample scope to research notes, critical thoughts, book reviews in humanities and social sciences.
Manuscripts submitted to this journal undergoes a rigorous peer review process taking into account their quality, originality, relevance, readability and their accord with the aims and objects of the journal subject to plagiarism check before publication to ensure novelty, proper citations of sources and high quality works to the field of scholarly publication.